personalise your hair brush

How to personalise your Stellari Premium Hair Brush

When Stellari was in the making, our dream was to create a hair brush that was powered by our special audience. We believe that your hair brush should reflect your unique personality, just like your haircut or your fashion style.

Brushes are one of those everyday items that we use without giving much thought to them. They are often seen as a necessity rather than a luxury, and as such, we often don’t pay much attention to them. Personalising your hair brush can be a fun and easy way to add a little bit of luxury to your everyday life.


How to do it

Customising and personalising your hair brush is actually quite easy. Here are some of the different ways in which you can personalise your hair brush:


  • Removing the logo - You can remove the logo in three ways, by using acetone (nail polish remover), using hot water and soap or with the heat of your thumb (Rub It Off). Once the logo is removed you can get fully creative with your hair brush.
  • Adding your favourite decorative elements to the mix! Stellari favourites are pearls, diamonds, flowers and rhinestones. All these can be easily bought online or from your local craft shop. The adhesives you can use are super glue or even a glue gun. You can personalise your hair brush, by having your name or the name of a loved one on the brush head. You can also have other words such as affirmations or inspirational quotes or simply your initials.

Add Charms - You can add charms and accessories to your hair brush to truly make it unique. You can add charms that reflect your personality or a loved one, such as a heart or a star.

Monogram - A monogram is a classic way to add a personal touch to your hair brush.

By personalising your hair brush, you can make it uniquely yours, making it a special keepsake that you can use on a daily basis.


Here is how our founder Stella Cini and her bestie customised their hair brushes!

Personalising your hair brush is a great way to express yourself and gain an emotional boost. Not only that, but it's also a meaningful way to show your love and appreciation to someone special.

Whether you choose to add words, designs, or charms to your hair brush, the decision is yours. You can make your brush as unique and special as you desire.

So, what are you waiting for? Personalise your hair brush and show off you creative flair!

hair brush hairbrush paddle brush stellari

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