How to get strikingly straight hair - Stellari By Stella Cini

How to straighten your hair like a pro

POV: You've got a work event or simply just want to feel smart. You only have 15-minutes to half an hour to get ready and you decide to blowdry your hair. The only issue is that you don't know where to start. No problem! This is where we come in 💖

What you'll need:

  • A Stellari paddle brush
  • Some hair clips
  • A hair dryer

Step 1: Brush your hair with a Stellari paddle brush to detangle any knots. We're using Angelika here

brush hair

Step 2: Section off your hair into small strands with some hair clips. Each section of hair should be between 2 to 5 inches (1.3 to 5.1 cm). Get some heat-resistant spray to protect your hair from heat damage and spray lightly on the ends

brush hair

Step 3: Get hair dryer and start blow drying section by section with your Stellari brush


Step 4: Brush through your hair and you're done!

brush hair

Watch the tutorial here Shop now

paddle brush stellari straight hair

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